Najla’s Blog

MY thoughts, wishes, hopes and moments I spent…

May Allah Bless His Soul October 12, 2008

Filed under: My Thoughts — Najla @ 5:17 pm


Today was a hard day……  My friend’s father died this morning..


Its really hurt to see someone close to you in pain.


She sent me a msg telling me about her father, I was really shocked; not just because he died, but because I know that my friend is very close to her father.


And when i talked to her over the phone she was crying really badly, she wasn’t able to say anything only ” tell everyone to pray for his soul”.

everyone at work was shocked.. everyone want to go and see her… everyone tried to call her…

we all were shocked for her..


since that time and i didn’t stop praying for him… and I wish that everyone who reads this post to pray from the bottom of his/her heart for his soul..


“May Allah bless his soul… forgive him of his sins… make his grave a garden and grant him the highest levels of paradise….. Ameen


6 Responses to “May Allah Bless His Soul”

  1. Fatoom Says:

    الله يصبرهم ويصبر أهلها
    ويرحم أبوها ويغفر له ويعفو عنه ويثبته
    إن شاء الله

  2. awaasha Says:

    I give my condolences to dear Omama for the death of her dear father.I ask AlMighty Allah to mercy him and bless his soul and give the patience to his family.

  3. Hanady Says:

    الله يرحمه وبغفرله يارب

  4. لاحول ولا قوة إلا بالله
    i just came from my friend’s house
    her father died too
    yesterday he had a stroke and died immediately:(
    May Allah bless their both souls

  5. holacarino Says:

    الله يرحمهم جميعاً

  6. Sohail Khan Says:

    May Allah Bless his soul and and grant him paradise……Amin

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