Najla’s Blog

MY thoughts, wishes, hopes and moments I spent…

I’m really impressed with this song… August 13, 2010

Filed under: Islam and Muslims,My Thoughts,Ramadn — Najla @ 11:00 am

Sami Yusuf – Healing…


Amazing short films… have a look ^_^ December 26, 2009

Filed under: Friends,Having fun,My Thoughts — Najla @ 10:56 am




Why pig is not healthy to eat? December 12, 2009

Filed under: My Thoughts,سوالف — Najla @ 2:17 pm


I thought this is good information for ppl who eat pig, so I wanted to share it with you.



عيد أضحى مباركـــ EiD aDha MuBaRaK.. November 27, 2009


عيدكمـ مباركـ وكلـ عـامـ وأنتمـ بخيـــر

Happy Adha Eid


Eid Fiter Mubarak ^^ September 20, 2009

Filed under: Friends,Islam and Muslims,My Lucky Moments,My Thoughts — Najla @ 1:03 pm



Ramadan Mubarak everyone! August 21, 2009

Filed under: Friends,Islam and Muslims,My Lucky Moments,My Thoughts,Ramadn — Najla @ 9:07 pm



I wish you all a blessed Ramadan


Top 7 Tips To Get A Job Promotion June 20, 2009

Filed under: My Thoughts,work — Najla @ 12:26 pm


” Just want to share these tips with you; I guess its really useful 🙂

For me… I’m dying to get promoted 😥 “


Do you dream of a job promotion, yet somehow it never comes? Perhaps it’s because you’re dreaming too much and not taking initiative. If you want to get promoted, you’ve got to take action. Here are 7 action steps to help turn your dream promotion into a reality.

 1. Be on time all the time

It may seem like a no-brainer, but how can you expect a promotion at work if you’re consistently late? Employees who squeak in even a couple minutes late are sending signals to the boss that work is where they’d rather not be. Show your boss you’re eager to begin your day by showing up at least 10 to 15 minutes early, with time to spare to make your coffee and get settled before working.


 2. Work extra hours

This, of course, is a tricky one. While you don’t want your job to dominate your life, you do want your boss to see you as someone who will give a little extra to the organization, and that includes offering to stay late if needed.


3. Dress for success

Image is everything. If you want to be seen as a professional, then you have to start dressing like one. While this may seem shallow, your appearance is a visual cue to the boss of what type of employee you are. Will you be one who slaps something on in the morning for your dead-end position, or are you one who dresses like you already are a professional?


4. Learn something new

Go the extra mile by learning new skills. Find out about the technical knowledge required in the position you’re aiming for and then learn about it, either by enrolling yourself in training programs provided by your employer, or enrolling in classes in your community or online. Nowadays it’s important to have some knowledge about computing, and you should learn it even if the company doesn’t provide it or tell you to do so.

If your company has offices in other countries, you may consider learning a new language, specifically one that is used in one of your major offices. This means that you can function wherever you may be assigned. Just in case your company needs a new manager in Tokyo or Paris, they’ll know who to promote.


5. Ask for more responsibilities

Asking for more responsibilities signals to the higher-ups that you may be ready to move up the company ladder. You’re no longer the average Joe or Jane who’s just putting in time, but rather someone who has initiative and cares about the success of the company.


6. Learn public speaking

This may not be necessary for some positions, but often when you move up in a company, you may be called upon to give a presentation, or address a group of people. Be ready for it by acquiring some public speaking skills. This will not only help in giving presentations to groups of people, but will also help with small group interactions, where you might be called upon to present an idea to your boss and other leaders of the company. You can take public speaking courses at the community college level, or join a Toastmasters group, where you will receive much needed practice giving speeches.


7. Make yourself known to the Human Resources Department

No one knows the staffing needs of the company better than the Human Resources Department. Get to know members of that department so you can stay informed of future job openings. Make it a point to let them know who you are, and that you’re interested in moving up. That way, when a position does become available, you will be among the first people they consider. Of course, this also can be a bit tricky. The last thing you want is to be phony and pushy. Try to make your presence known without becoming that annoying person they all try to avoid.

These are just some of the ways to go the extra mile to move up at work. Yes, it all takes effort. But, hopefully, the rewards will be great.


does it worth?  😉


Meaning Of Names ~ May 2, 2009

Filed under: Having fun,My Thoughts,سوالف — Najla @ 7:41 pm



I’ve been wondering if English names have meanings, so I started searching and I found that many English names come from other languages such as Greek, French, German.. etc.. , so to know an English name’s meaning you have to go back to the name’s origins and check where it comes from for example “Alberto” ( German ) it means “noble +famous“, ” Adam” Hebrew word for “man” and “Catherine” (Greek ) means “pure“.


In Arabic most names have unique and beautifule meanings for example: “Muhammed” which is the most widely used name in the world means “revered” ,  “Adel” means: “Just” and “Khaled” means: “Enternal“.


“The majority of Arabic names, both feminine and masculine, are derived from Islam. They are names that are meant to glorify God or to express the parents’ faith in Islam. Other names are poetic and are drawn from earlier, pre-Islamic times and are usually the names of heroes or heroines from early Arabic poetry. A small amount of other names are descriptions of things that are considered beautiful in Arab cultures such as horses, light, roses and lions”. **qouted**. like “Maha” it means “oryxs” refers to its large, luminous eyes.


, so tell me what does your name mean? 🙂


big beautiful eyes


~Sketches ~ April 25, 2009

Filed under: Having fun,Memories,My Lucky Moments,My Thoughts — Najla @ 8:08 pm



alot lot lot lot.. alot of things… February 5, 2009

Filed under: My Thoughts,سوالف — Najla @ 7:12 pm
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After horrible events in Gaza I’ve had my own hard moments also; the past few days were full of different emotions…


The worst thing that happened to me and had changed a lot in my personality was my engagement to a mystery guy..


Have you ever heard of a manager who’s busy planning to get her staff married???


My manager had arranged a plan with a mystery groom and his mom to come to our office to see me while I was ignorant of what is happening around me. She called me to her office and in front of him she started talking to me about things I didn’t understand. After he’s gone; she told me about her plan made and she kept talking about him..


she said… “so tell me…what do you think about him?….. Did you like him?”


WHAT???? o_O

How hell I’ll know him?? I didn’t realize his face either.

and does these things go like that????? in a workplace?????


I told her… “I have no answer at the moment. I’ll pray Estekhara then I’ll tell you about my decision”.


My manager and one of my colleagues have very close relationship with the groom’s mom. they started using the “HE HAS… HE HAS… AND THEY HAVE.”


They don’t know me; they kept talking about what he has not who he is and this what I really care about.


I felt bad from the beginning and this feeling was increasing after praying the Estekhara.


I have taken my decision after a week and I’m very happy with it. Day by day I hear a lot of things about his personality and about his family way of  life which I really don’t like.


,so I told my manager about my decision. It was “NO” ….of course.


1st Feb was my friend’s Birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY FatOoOoOm, May all your wishes come true honey!  love you soooooooo much 🙂


And today I had an English placement test  in order to take English training courses.

and I think I did pretty well 🙂


So, hope you all happy days .. enjoy your weekends ❤